Placenta Encapsulation
Terms & Conditions
Placenta encapsulation service is not regulated in Hong Kong.
Any advice or information provided by Tree of Life regarding Placenta Encapsulation is based on experience, research where available, documentation and client testimonials from mothers who have used placenta capsules and remedies for their post-partum recovery. However Tree of Life Placenta Encapsulation does not guarantee benefits of Placenta Remedies.
Tree of Life is not a medical body and does not claim to treat, cure or relieve any symptoms in pregnancy, birth or post -birth.
Placenta Practice recommends you seek advice from your GP or midwife if you have any problems with your pregnancy, birth or post-birth recovery.
Client’s who choose to use the services of Tree of Life take full responsibility for their own health and for researching and using the remedies we provide.
The Client agrees to stop using the remedies immediately if feeling unwell and to seek advice.
The Client agrees that Tree of Life is not liable and do not take responsibility for any results or effects the Client may experience before, during or after consuming the placenta unless resulting directly from the negligence of Tree of Life.
The Client agrees that all placenta capsules and other placenta remedies are for the Client’s own use only and must not be shared with others.
Tree of Life will not perform placenta encapsulation for Clients who have ever tested positive for HIV/AIDs, Hepatitis B and/or Hepatitis C, Active Genital Herpes, suffered from blood borne diseases.
Tree of Life does not take responsibility for damaged, lost or placentas that have not been adequately stored before the placenta comes into its care.
The Client agrees to contact Candice Chan at +85263869188 with 2 separate text messages.
Text Message 1: When ’established labour’ begins and Text Message 2: Within 30 minutes of birth to arrange collection of the placenta in line with the chosen collection level. -
The Client agrees that failure to send Text Message 1 may mean collection of placenta will be delayed by 1 day or more.
Tree of Life will inform the Client in good time if Candice is not available. In which case the Client will liaise directly with one of Candice’s employees to arrange collection.
The Client agrees to store their placenta in the Tree of Life Collection Kit.
Alternatively, placenta must be stored in a clean, labelled container inside a cooler box/bag on ice, or in a refrigerator within 30 minutes after birth of the placenta. -
The Client agrees to ensure her placenta remains chilled and under 8°C until collection.
The Client consents to the removal of the placenta from the hospital, birth centre, or home, by Tree of Life to the extent necessary for the performance by Tree of Life of the placenta services requested on the Clients booking form.
When collecting from hospitals Placenta Practice specialists/employees will meet the Clients designated person at the main entrance of the hospital. No allowances have been made to collect from hospital wards.
Collections: If an attempt is made by Tree of Life staff to collect, and is missed by the Client, a re-booking fee of $500HKD will be payable by the Client.
If for whatever reason the Client decides not to go ahead with the encapsulation service, following the collection of the placenta by Tree of Life, the Client will be liable for a fee of $2000HKD to cover courier expenses and admin charges. This is also relevant if Tree of Life is informed the placenta is infected, after the placenta has been collected. It is the Client's responsibility to inform Placenta Practice of infected placenta prior to collection.
Placenta Tinctures take longer to process and will be posted out separately, to a Hong Kong address only.
Tree of Life will use the home address found on the booking form for all correspondence and for delivery of remedies. It is the Clients responsibility to inform Tree of Life of change of address.
Client will be liable for any additional postage or delivery costs arising from an incorrect address being supplied to Tree of Life or an address not updated prior to delivery. -
Tree of Life will not be liable for any remedies delayed, lost or damaged during transportation.
Tree of Life will not be liable for any placentas delayed, lost or damaged by any of its chosen couriers during transportation from client to our practice.
Full payment of any outstanding balance must be made prior to collection. Alternatively with cash at the time of collection or by bank transfer on the same day.
Tree of Life will not start processing the placenta until payment for the order is received in full.
You, the Client, agree that all the information you have provided is correct and to the best of your knowledge.
You also agree to inform Tree of Life immediately of any changes to your Medical Information or address detailed on your booking form, before the encapsulation takes place. -
If one or several of the terms and conditions mentioned in this document are not applicable, all other terms and conditions still apply and the document is still valid.